Internationally Educated Certification Protocols

Certification of Internationally Educated Applicants:

International candidates for certification must provide an assessment of their education and/or credentials from an assessment service.

Dentists and Dental Hygienists

Candidates may apply for Certified Dental Assistant II (CDA II). Candidates must be a member in good standing, have attained the National Dental Assisting Examining Board (NDAEB) certificate, and have:

  1. successfully completed a clinical practical evaluation; or
  2. successfully completed a level II upgrade from an Association-approved program.

Dental Assistants – Chairside (Level I)

Candidates with an educational background equivalent to chairside (level I) dental assisting in Ontario must be a member in good standing and have:

  1. successfully completed a HARP approved dental radiography course at an approved college; and
  2. achieved a pass mark of 65% on the Association level I certification examination.

Dental Assistants – Intra-Oral (Level II)

Candidates with an educational background equivalent to intra-oral (Level II) dental assisting in Ontario must be a member in good standing, have attained the National Dental Assisting Examining Board (NDAEB) certificate, and have:

  1. successfully completed a clinical practical evaluation; or
  2. successfully completed a Level II upgrade program from an Association approved program.